Medical Conditions
There are a variety of medical conditions for which may choose to see a podiatrist. These conditions are either cosmetic or functional in nature, or a combination of both. Ideally the system of the feet, ankles and lower limbs should work together as a “well-oiled’ machine. If any of these components are not functioning as they should then it is time to pay us a visit.
These are some of the conditions we successfully treat at THE FOOT CLINIC.
Plantars Wart
Plantar warts are skin infections caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and cause a hard and often painful thickened lesion on the sole of the foot.
Fungal Toenail
Fungal infections of the toenail/s are also known as “onychomycoses”. These nail infections are very common in people over 30 years, particularly in tropical climates.
There are many reasons why this deformity occurs such as:
Hereditary factors, Footwear habits, Foot type, Biomechanical factors (pronation), Neuromuscular dysfunction, Ligament Dysfunction (laxity)
Ingrown Toenail
Ingrown toenails or onychocryptosis, is a commonly encountered problem in podiatry practice. Patients usually present with moderate pain in the affected toe, however, with progression, infection, severe pain and even difficulty walking or playing sports can occur.
Diabetes & Foot care
Diabetes is a systemic metabolic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to absorb glucose from the blood stream.
Cracked Heels
Heel fissures, commonly referred to as cracked heels, are a simple problem that could lead to severe medical issues in future if left untreated.
Corns & Calluses
Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop when the skin tries to protect itself against friction or pressure.
Children’s Foot Problems
During the first several years, your child’s feet continue to take shape. At this time, problems such as flat feet or high arches may become noticeable.
Many toddlers walk ‘pigeon-toed’, with either one or both feet turned inwards. In most cases, this is simply a sign of developing posture and balance. Excessive in-toeing may be caused by a variety of underlying difficulties, such as hip or knee joint problems.
The flatfoot deformity in children causes a number of changes to the structure of the foot which is easily recognisable by the trained podiatrist.
Signs are:
- Flattened longitudinal arches
- Bow-stringing of the Achilles tendons when looking at the feet from behind
- Hypermobility due to ligament laxity
Since the flatfoot deformity causes some instability of the foot during gait, children with flatfoot deformity may have complaints in the foot such as arch, heel or ankle pain which is generally associated with increased standing, walking or running activities. However, since the excessive rolling inward of the arches of the foot also make the leg and knee more turned inwards, children with flat feet may also complain of pain in the low back, hip, knee, or leg due to the abnormal ground reaction forces up into the skeletal system.
Treatment generally starts with appropriate foot wear advice.
Flat foot deformity requires control of the abnormal structure and motion of the foot such as that offered by functional foot orthotics.
Stretching exercises are commonly prescribed.
Good Foot Health
Maintaining good hygiene and a daily routine of self examination is a the surest way to guard against unwanted feet conditions.
Listed below are some simple tips to help you maintain good foot health:
- Wash feet and dry feet thoroughly daily ensure special attention is taken between the toes
- Visually examine your feet daily to ensure there is no marks, spots, cuts, swelling or redness that is not normal. (Tip – if you have difficulty getting your leg up to see the sole of your foot, a well placed mirror may be of help)
- Choose correctly fitted shoes with adequate depth and width for the toes
- Cotton socks with no elastic in the tops will absorb sweat and reduce pressure at the top of the sock line
Stay in touch with us
For any and all medical related questions and concerns please reach out to us. We are here for you.